Dec 16, 2010

Christmas 2010 - Livestock Roasting on an Open Fire... A Burning Question

I sure know the answer to that! In Saskatchewan, Canada 190 dairy cows were burned alive.  Dozens of cows were found by the barn door attempting an escape:
And in Syracuse, NY  70 cows, several pigs, sheep and horses were also killed in an inferno.  And tens of thousands of animals have also been burned alive in the past.

Now here's the irony that I also know is true... Many people will spend more time worrying about burning their toast than they will about this kind of "accident".  Many people will say, "It's a shame... But these things happen."  Some would say that these were "only" "food animals" anyway... Most will turn their heads, close their minds and harden their hearts to such stories.  For if they didn't, they might have to focus on what the final minutes of these animal's lives must have been like.  They might have to deal with the reality that these events occur on their behalf.  That the death of these animals, whether by fire or bolt gun, or blade is all done by their consent and payment.  

It's true that many wouldn't care to know about innocent life killed in such a brutal fashion.  Nor would they want to think about the violence in their meal.  They use a word to condone every step on the way that animals are bred, raised and slaughtered for them.  They assure themselves with this word... arrogantly fashioned on the name of our very special species... They call their meat "humane" to ease any discomfort of what might otherwise appear to be harsh or cruel.  They know that to kill without reason is wrong... But they add footnotes and disclaimers as to who might be eliminated from their exclusive criteria and why.

Now if YOU find YOUrself defensive about YOUr food choices... YOU could choose to be generous with your compassion! In the spirit of the holidays, there couldn't be a better time to re-examine the virtues of kindness and empathy...

Here's a start: YOUr family is important to YOU... These animals have families and babies too. YOU value YOUr life... These animals cherish their lives as well.

Food does not have to include flesh, blood or bone to be nourishing and satisfying...

YOUr celebrations will be just as rewarding and valid without the sacrifices... And the "burnt" offerings.

Please- Give a gift to YOUrself on this season of joy- And choose to be truly humane.


Jessica said...

Great time of year to play this bingo! Lots of parties and gatherings. At least my family has stopped asking a lot of these questions.

Bea Elliott said...

Thanks Jessica! Let's hope once they know the answers... The right choices will be easy to make! :)

Krissa said...

Oh dear God. That breaks my heart about the fires. That is something I hear all too often. Whether it's a "pet store", barn, shelter, kennel... Honestly, it seems like places where Natural animals are kept against there wills get more than their share of fires. ... Excellent points in this post though and cool bingo game! I like it.

Bea Elliott said...

Hi Krissa - These fires are heartbreaking. These confined animals have everything stacked against them as it is... being "bred" to be used is awful enough without having such a horrifying death-by-fire ending as well. The injustice goes beyond understanding. Tragic.:(

So I'm Thinking Of Going Vegan said...

Love the bingo! So very true. And yeah, "humane" is such a weird word when we're talking about other animals.

Sorry to be only catching up now!

Bea Elliott said...

Thanks SITOGV - I stay in a constant state of "catch up." No worries! :)