"...People who eat mainly plant-based diets generally have lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels and a reduced risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes."
The release went on to suggest meatless alternatives including: beans and legumes, tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable protein, seitan, quinoa and nuts and seeds.
"Cutting back on meat doesn't mean worries about adequate protein," the Clinic advised. "It's not difficult to reach a woman's daily recommendation for protein — about 45 grams — by eating a variety of vegetables, beans, legumes, grains and nuts."
Mayo Clinic is the first and largest integrated, not-for-profit group practice in the world. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of "the needs of the patient come first."

Beans, peas, rice, pasta, oatmeal, peanut butter, etc. can be bought in bulk (or not) - at a fraction of the cost of the cheapest "meat" there is! Furthermore, none needs refridgeration. That leaves plenty of money for fresh fruits and vegetables. TVP (textured vegetable protein) is $1.99.lb and can be seasoned in all ways to resemble the flavors that "meat" is made to taste like.
So, if you're on a thrifty budget... If you're concerned about your health... If you want to lessen your impact on the environment... And IF you'd like to be kind to a few hundred animals along the way - Seems like a plant based diet is the way to go!
Interesting, I once read (somewhere) online that a woman my age (20's) needs about 60+ grams of protein a day and that seemed absurd to me. I usually get 30-40 grams per day, but lately have been getting very little. I usually turn to soy milk, beans, and veggie burgers for protein. The only thing I consume daily is soy milk, but I have recently been cutting back my consumption because I am worried about the levels of estrogen in soy. Regardless, protein is something I have always fallen short on and it's something I need to deal with.
Great post! I'm always happy to hear about reputable medical sources disseminating what the research has shown about animal-free diets.
Eggs and dairy products are good sources of protein, too.
Shereena - I think what's being exposed lately are protein myths... We really don't need nearly as much as what "the experts" once thought we did... Suggestion though- If soy milk has you concerned...try almond or rice milk. Personally, I really think the flavor is better too... Richer and more full bodied than soy and no worries about estrogen! ;)
I'm with you Allison! At 56, with better health than ever, I'm walking proof that an animal based diet isn't "all that". Just great to hear it from authorities too!
Anonymous - There are also many, many negatives associated with eggs and dairy! So if they can be replaced with better alternatives -it just doesn't make sense not to! Sorry. :(
Why did you delte my post, didn't fit your sick ways? The Mayo Clinic recommends eggs and dairy in the same article, tell it like it is why don't you.
Anonymous - "There are also many, many negatives associated with eggs and dairy! So if they can be replaced with better alternatives -it just doesn't make sense not to! Sorry."
I think it depends on the individual. My daughter had a problem with milk so I gave her soy formula when I wasn't breastfeeding and a lot of soy growing up in place of meat and dairy. She has suffered horribly from endometriosis and now at 25 has uterine cancer. I think we tend to look at a person who is either healthy or sick and think some one thing they did or didn't eat created their health, when it was probably a combination of things. There are moral reasons for not eating meat, but it has been consumed for an awfully long time and we seem to have survived as a species just fine. Sadly eating animals is probably not the cruelest thing we do to animals. I'd rather be a deer bopping along in the forest and get killed by a skilled human hunter, than be a "loved" race horse stuck in a stall so that I may actually enjoy being whipped and stupidly - often dangerously - run around in circles for human entertainment.
"I'd rather be a deer bopping along in the forest and killed by a skilled human hunter, than be a "loved" race horse..." I don't think this instance of animal killing is an "either/or" situation. The third (best) alternative is to not kill the deer and not imprison/beat the horse".
I'm sorry about your daughter, but there's no conclusive evidence that she would not have gotten cancer even with drinking cow's milk. I don't like the taste of soy... I always recommend almond milk or rice milk or oat milk instead - None of these have any issues that may make "soy" questionable.
So this is why vegans sound so dellusional. They're principles are based on the thought that you can build a pyramid on water. Very interesting. Hey guys, uh... you can't.
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