Jan 31, 2011

12,000 More Burned Babies - Factory Farm Fire

I guess in my own way I'm keeping vigil on the warehoused animals that have been burned alive... In this post I regretfully add 12,000 baby chicks who perished in a Georgia "poultry" operation.  The cost of rebuilding will be  around $100,000.  The cost of the replacement lives is 92 cents each.  

And the cost of these lives gets even cheaper in the "bargain" sections of the "Barbeque Specials" and "Meat-N-Egg Combos"... Sounds like a restaurant menu even before the birds are charred...

Now I wonder... Would any kind person allow with their money - To have a baby chick burned alive?  

No! Of course not!  I only wish that they'd make the connection that every time they support these industries... That's exactly what is done - And worse!

Please don't burn innocent beings alive.  Please spend your money with wisdom and compassion.
Live Vegan.


Anonymous said...

RIP, sweet chicks. The only consolation is that you were spared more days of misery and a violent execution. You are a blessing to me, because you confirm for me that my heart is much bigger and kinder than my former (ignorant, falsely educated) desire to consume your flesh or your eggs. RIP, dear ones. Oh, please also take joy hopping around and crowing and nesting with your friends in REALLY cage-free heaven.

veganelder said...

If only eggs screamed when they were opened...

Anonymous said...

I will always believe that anyone who is eating meat, wearing fur/leather/etc., drinking milk, eating eggs/cheese, wearing wool, etc. should be required to spend at least one day on the farm and in the slaughterhouse. Without blinders and without being able to look away. Or covering their ears. It's unsettling to think that there are really humans out there who can do the things that are done to all the farmed and raised for fur/skin and tested-on living beings and not give it a second thought. I think that's probably worse than the ones who actually enjoy what they're doing.

So I'm Thinking Of Going Vegan said...

Or maybe we should set aside a week where people are only allowed to eat what they grow or kill themselves. I bet animal flesh consumption would plummet! :)

Bea Elliott said...

A cage-free heaven... But of course! No heaven would be so without sweet freedom!

veganelder - Screaming eggs... I think you're on to something. But then, why do I get the idea people would somehow believe the eggs were singing "Eat me please!" instead? After all, who are we to know their language? Don't all animals wish for their bodies and fluids to make their ends in our nice tummies? (snort)

Anonymous - That's a great idea... I believe too that people ought to know what their habits entail. Sadly, I can't get the closest of my "friends" to even watch a short video. It's "too much" for them you know... Most people are cowards when it comes to truths that would require change. :(

SITOGV - One day a week... Every other leap year on a full moon would still be too much. Even though I keep telling others that even "cutting down" is good - In my most sincere wish "none" is the only goal. None.