Sep 5, 2013

A Look At Portentous and Pretentious Holy Meat

I've been told a time or two that I have an unconventional sense of humor and that's nothing that I can argue with. And so when I read about the pope meeting with Jewish religious leaders, to discuss which method of animal slaughter is the "god-approved" way, I couldn't help but see the twist of a joke that needed to be teased out.

So here's my look at the conversation:
And should anyone find my opinion irreverent, so be it. I can only add my dismay that others can't see the absurd vulgarity in even speculating the "right" way to do such an evil deed as snuffing the life of an innocent! 

Look at the photo that shows them with smiles and exchanging pleasantries, while they determine the merciless fate of countless victims. Shame on anyone who professes to be enlightened while fabricating methods to make blood-shed sacred! No matter how it's done, the deliberate act of animal murder and meat eating lacks compassionate wisdom, and is void of dignity. It appeases the most base, mindless gluttony while presenting a sham of virtue. It's not hallowed. It's hollow! It's not divine! It's depraved! It's not sacred. It's sinister! Needless killing is not a magnificent ideal! It's a morally bankrupt impoverishment!

Venerate life. Live Vegan!


veganelder said...

Well said! "Absurd vulgarity" indeed. "It's not hallowed. It's hollow! It's not divine! It's depraved! It's not sacred. It's sinister! Needless killing is not a magnificent ideal! It's a morally bankrupt impoverishment!"

Words of truth.

Great post, thank you.

Bea Elliott said...

They are true words veganelder - So why aren't these "gOd-lovin'" guys the ones who realize it too, I'll never know! The debate over "halal" or "captive-bolt" has no place in the conversation of "spiritual" men. They are all frauds as the wise Albert Schweitzer so eloquently stated. If I were religious, I'd be embarrassed to have these phonies as leaders.

Thanks for your comment and your mutual acknowledgment of the lies! ;)

David Ashton said...

Right on as always, Bea. A sense of humour is a definite requirement in the midst of the ocean of hypocrisy and mindless cruelty we find ourselves in. What an amazing thing it would be if the pope started promoting veganism. I guess the closest thing we have is Bill Clinton :]

Bea Elliott said...

Oh-Oh! Now look who has a sense of humor! Comparing the pope to Bill... Great for a chuckle!

Thanks for your comment David and for appreciating my look at a world slightly skewed from traditional views. Gotta shake the kinks out sometimes. ;)