Jan 2, 2014

Recall of Five Species Donkey Meat -

Happy 2014! Health and Happiness is Wished to All!

Apparently though my best hopes have gone off track rather quickly. I'm afraid to start this new year off with such ridiculous and remorseful news. It confirms the lingering stupidity of carnists, the greed of corporations and the tragic murders of yet more of our fellow creatures.

At first I read this headline as "Wal-Mart recalls "Five-Species" donkey meat in China after tests reveal fox", so I'm going with it. 

On behalf of all the donkeys, foxes, fishes and chickens, rabbits, dolphins, ducks, squirrels, cows, pigs, rats and cats, and muskrats, spiders, snakes, loons, and raccoon, horses, oxen, elk, deer, moose and goose, whales and quails and the like... Pretty, Pretty PLEASE! Don't eat any one! 

A better wish might be for wisdom and compassion to all. :/


Anonymous said...

Aghhhh! Donkeys are so lovely. I know that loveliness belongs to all, but jeez: donkeys trust us so much. And foxes. It's so insane.

veganelder said...

"Pretty, Pretty PLEASE! Don't eat any one!" No on could say it better. Thank you!

A wise and compassionate New Year to and for all.

Bea Elliott said...

Hi D.E.M. - It's nuts I know. Seems like we have complete intentions of eating ourselves through every species on the planet, even though it will likely kill us in the process too. New year - Same crap. :(

Bea Elliott said...

Thanks veganelder - I know I'm singing your song too. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone just made a resolution to be kind? The year's young I suppose... Press on - shall we? ;)