May 29, 2010

Cruelty to Cows - At the Dairy & At the Slaughterhouse

Cruelty to Cows - At the Dairy - At the Slaughterhouse -Here's the difference: At a "farm" cows and calves may sometimes be beaten with fists or poked with pitchforks.

At a slaughterhouse cows and calves are ALWAYS "poked" with stun guns.
ALWAYS blasted with 200 pound per square inch bolts to their heads.

ALWAYS have their throats slit

and are ALWAYS needlessly killed!

Please... ALWAYS remember this when you make your food choices -
Please... (always) Go Vegan.

May 26, 2010

Mercy for Animals Ohio Dairy Investigation - Kicking Calves for Cheese

Oh - Oh! What did the dairy industry go and do now??? Forceably impregnate cows? Steal calves milk? Take babies? Send them all to slaughter? OH wait! All that's "legal"!

But beating cows in the face with crowbars, stabbing them with pitchforks, breaking their tails, and punching, throwing, and kicking calves is not...

All this for the sake of a little cream in your coffee?  A bit of fat ladden "cheese" on a pizza?  This is "humane" "food"?  Please reconsider what you will tolerate as a decent human being - Go Vegan

May 24, 2010

Meat Addictions Mobile Slaughterhouse Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

Mobile slaughterhouses:

They waste lives and fuel: First we ship fuel to grow the crops... Then we ship the crops to fatten the animals... Then we ship a slaughterhouse to "process" them!

It is expected that the mobile slaughter units can potentially travel up to 220 miles each day in service and will get approximately 5 miles to the gallon.  I can't imagine what kind of energy it takes to chill 6000 lb of hot

flesh within 24 hrs.  Or what it takes to keep it refridgerated for weeks until further "processing".  THEN what it takes to ship it cool to where ever sold as "fresh" meat.
So if you see one of these Grim Reaper, energy guzzling trucks on the road you know they are carrying the dead to the meat addicted. 
Some people will do anything for a "fix" I guess... But then again - They could just Go Vegan for a really sustainable and humane world!

May 17, 2010

Mayo Clinic Encourages MEATLESS Meals

The Mayo Clinic issued a news release last week highlighting the May issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource, which offered options "to expand the repertoire of meatless meals."

"...People who eat mainly plant-based diets generally have lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels and a reduced risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes."

The release went on to suggest meatless alternatives including: beans and legumes, tofu, tempeh, textured vegetable protein, seitan, quinoa and nuts and seeds.

"Cutting back on meat doesn't mean worries about adequate protein," the Clinic advised. "It's not difficult to reach a woman's daily recommendation for protein — about 45 grams — by eating a variety of vegetables, beans, legumes, grains and nuts."
Mayo Clinic is the first and largest integrated, not-for-profit group practice in the world. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of "the needs of the patient come first."

Beans, peas, rice, pasta, oatmeal, peanut butter, etc. can be bought in bulk (or not) - at a fraction of the cost of the cheapest "meat" there is! Furthermore, none needs refridgeration. That leaves plenty of money for fresh fruits and vegetables. TVP (textured vegetable protein) is $ and can be seasoned in all ways to resemble the flavors that "meat" is made to taste like.

So, if you're on a thrifty budget... If you're concerned about your health... If you want to lessen your impact on the environment... And IF you'd like to be kind to a few hundred animals along the way - Seems like a plant based diet is the way to go!

May 15, 2010

Recall: Animal Drugs in Animal Foods and in Animal Meat - Vegan IS Better

The USDA just recalled approximately 87,000 pounds of beef products that may contain the animal drug Ivermectin.
Ivermectin is used for the treatment and control of gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, grubs, and ectoparasites, horn flies, sucking and biting lice and sarcoptic mange mites on cattle.
Goodness knows anyone eating muscle, tissue, organs, blood, tumors, veins, tendons, boils, scar tissue and cancers wouldn't want any ugly roundworms in their "food" too!
Had it with the dead foodsGo Vegan!

May 9, 2010

Unweaned Humans Stealing Mother's Milk from Babies

On this Mother's Day I can't help but think how strage it is that here in the US we have more calves being nursed by humans than by the mother's themselves.

The calves are all drinking
"milk replacements".

And who's drinking all the milk that nature provided for calves?  Why unweaned adult humans of course!  Humans that pay an industry to artificially inseminate females, steal babies from their mothers, and send babies to slaughter.  Humans that send pregnant cows to be killed...

Now, what is so "natural", "normal" or kind about this "wholesome" food?

Please do not eat mothers... or their babies -
Go Vegan for a better world!

May 7, 2010

Watch the Most Violent Animal Cruelty Movie Free

Sometimes, a movie comes along that changes everything. EARTHLINGS is one of those movies. It took 6 years for the filmmakers to get all the hidden camera footage of places that most people are never allowed to see — and most animals wish they hadn’t. EARTHLINGS is a multi-award winning film about society’s treatment of animals, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by Moby — and just for being part of Unleashed, we’ve scored you front row tix!

But be warned: THIS IS NOT A FAIRYTALE. The way animals are raised and killed for food, fashion, research and entertainment is often violent, and shocking. Only if you think you can handle the truth about where meat, eggs, leather — even pets come from, then sit back, and prepare to be amazed...